| 1. | This church is a wonderful example of the gothic style of building 这座教堂是哥特式建筑风格的绝妙典范。 |
| 2. | This village church is a wonderful example of the gothic style of building 这座乡村教堂是哥特式建筑风格的绝妙典范。 |
| 3. | The town ' s gothic castle was reconstructed in high gothic style in the late 15th century 城镇的哥特式城堡在15世纪晚期用新哥特式风格重建起来。 |
| 4. | Notre dame is france ' s tallest cathedral and is a classic model of the french gothic style of architecture 它是法国最高的教堂,也是法国哥特式建筑样板。 |
| 5. | Notre dame is france ' s tallest cathedral and is a classic model of the french gothic style of architecture 这是法国最高的教堂建筑,同时也是法式哥特建筑的代表作。 |
| 6. | For many years architecture , however , lagged far behind scholarship . buildings continued to be put up in an effete , decorative gothic style 许多年来的建筑总是落后于学术的进步,还是延续那种颓废的,装饰华丽的哥特式风格。 |
| 7. | The cathedral is the most impressive example of the gothic style , characterized by pointed arches and flying butresses . notre dame cathedral was seminal in the evolution of the french gothic style 代表作品有法国的巴黎圣母院、德国的科隆教堂、英国的林肯教堂、意大利的米兰教堂等。 |
| 8. | The arrival of the anglo - normans heralded the introduction of the early gothic style of architecture , with the two dublin cathedrals , christ church and saint patrick s , being the most notable 诺曼系英国人的到来,预示着早期歌特式建筑的引入,其中尤以都柏林的两座教堂:基督教堂和圣帕特里克教堂,最为著名。 |
| 9. | Built in a style adapted from both the 13th - century early english and decorated gothic styles , construction was completed in 1849 under bishop george smith , first bishop of victoria . due to a shortage of funds , the tower was finished a year later 此教堂糅合了13世纪英式和歌德式建筑的特点,于1849年落成,其后于1873年再于东侧进行扩建,并由爱丁堡公爵立碑。 |
| 10. | This new vision of urban space was realized in the superb square known as piazza pio ii and the buildings around it : the piccolomini palace , the borgia palace and the cathedral with its pure renaissance exterior and an interior in the late gothic style of south german churches 这种建筑原则在富丽堂皇的皮乌斯二世广场及其周边建筑米科洛米尼宫、博尔贾宫、以及外观是纯文艺复兴时期而内装修又是类似于德国南部教堂晚期哥特式的大教堂中得以体现。 |